Leche Pascual | Concept & Packaging
The new concept wants to convey to the consumer that what he's drinking is real milk, thus strengthening the quality and naturalness from the origin of the product.
Leche Pascual has been offering proven quality throughout its products for more than 50 years, committed to giving the best or "Dar lo mejor". Its value chain guarantees the highest quality in all its products. The graphic proposal also focuses on animal welfare - something extremely important for Leche Pascual. The new image focuses not only on the health of its customers, but also on the +90,000 cows spread over +300 farms that have been analyzed following four principles: good nutrition, good accommodation, good health and good behavior.
Leche Pascual has been offering proven quality throughout its products for more than 50 years, committed to giving the best or "Dar lo mejor". Its value chain guarantees the highest quality in all its products. The graphic proposal also focuses on animal welfare - something extremely important for Leche Pascual. The new image focuses not only on the health of its customers, but also on the +90,000 cows spread over +300 farms that have been analyzed following four principles: good nutrition, good accommodation, good health and good behavior.
El nuevo concepto quiere transmitir al consumidor que lo que esta tomando es leche de verdad, fortaleciendo así la naturalidad y la calidad desde el origen del producto.
Leche Pascual lleva más de 50 años ofreciendo una calidad demostrada en toda su línea de productos, comprometidos en dar lo mejor. Su cadena de valor garantiza la máxima calidad en todos sus productos. La propuesta gráfica también enfoca el bienestar animal - algo sumamente importante para Leche Pascual. La nueva imagen se enfoca no solo a la salud de sus clientes, sino a las más de 90.000 vacas repartidas en más de 300 granjas que han sido analizadas siguiendo cuatro principios: buena alimentación, buen alojamiento, buena salud y buen comportamiento.
Agency: Enric Aguilera & Asociados